Saturday, April 19, 2014

How To Release The FIRE in YOU

Do not quench the Spirit.  The Apostle Paul

Your fire burns naturally and effortlessly...unless you suppress it.  Unless you refuse or fail to express it. 

What is your fire?

It is the presence and power of the Holy Spirit, manifest when you use your spiritual gift.

Every reference to "quenching" that I found in the New Testament had to do with fire, extinguishing a fire.  John the Baptist said he baptized with water, but that Jesus would baptize with the Holy Spirit, and with fire.  When the Spirit came on the day of Pentecost, flaming tongues of fire hovered over each of the 120 believers, and they were filled with the Spirit.  Paul told Timothy to "fan into flame" his spiritual gift, to do the opposite of quenching the Spirit.  Paul also said that our "shield of faith" would "quench the fiery darts of the wicked one," extinguishing the burning accusations and temptations of Satan.



To release your fire, the presence and power of the Spirit, the spiritual gift Jesus gave you, do two things:

1.  Recognize the burning passion God gave you to honor Him and help others.
2.  Express that passion today.  It will take great effort to suppress it or keep it in.

For example, when I read a scripture, certain truths or words jump out at me.  I feel inspired to either write about those words, or to tell someone what God just showed me, namely YOU.  My fingers flow, or the words flow out of my mouth.  Flow.  Burning truth from the Spirit.  My fire.

Yours may be a desire to pray for someone or something that you simply can't get off your mind or out of your heart until you pray.

The fire is burning.  You feel it or you have felt it.  God gave it.  Let it out.  Let it burn.

If you agree, pray with me:

God, in the name of Jesus, let the fire of your Spirit burn in me and from me and through me.  Show me my fire, or remind me what it is, so that from this moment forward, I many never quench the Spirit again.  Amen.

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