Sunday, April 6, 2014

How does it feel To Be Filled with The Spirit? (Part 2)

Imagine the number one person in your life, the one who has made the biggest impact on you, positively or negatively.  It may be your father or mother, brother or sister, a teacher, or a friend.  Even an enemy.  Now when I say impact, I mean you think a certain way, or try to avoid thinking a certain way, because of this person.  Your emotional states are affected by how you've related to this person.  The choices you make are affected by decisions this person has made in your life that have shaped who you are.  When you are with this person, you feel like you can physically do anything, or like you can no nothing at all.  When you are under the influence of a powerful person, it feels like everything I just described. 

To be filled with the Spirit means He is the number one Person in your life, the one who impacts you to such an extent that He influences your every thought, emotion, and choice.  His presence determines your bodily actions because you've given your life to Him, to do whatever He wants. 

Imagine a man with his personal trainer.  He completely looks up to his trainer.  He wants a body just like his.  So he is willing to do whatever his trainer says, no matter how hard it is, no matter how much it hurts, if he can only look like his trainer.  In fact, the more it hurts, the better.  "Pain is weakness leaving the body!"  When this man is with his personal trainer, he is completely under the trainer's influence. His mind is filled with his trainer's words.  His emotions are filled with his trainer's energy.  His will is completely, knowingly, willingly, and actively, submitted to the will of his trainer.  He moves his body at his trainers command. 

Think of the Spirit as your personal trainer, then do what you would do with your personal trainer.  Imagine the Spirit of God, who is in you, right there with you, just like a personal trainer would be.  The mindset you would have with your personal trainer, one of  being completely teachable, one of a complete follower, is the exact mindset to have with the Holy Spirit.  When someone is with a personal trainer, she comes completely open to whatever the plan of the trainer is.  Do the same with the Spirit.  Ask Him what the plan is, and wait for Him to give it to you, whatever it is. 

If you agree, pray with me:

"Our Father in Heaven, in the name of Jesus, I submit to Your Spirit as my Personal Trainer.  I place myself completely under His authority, under His influence.  I will allow my mind to be filled with His thoughts, my emotions with His passions, and my will one with His will.  I will say what He tells me, and do what He tells me to do with my body."

Now listen to your Personal Trainer. 
Be filled with the Spirit.


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