Sunday, April 20, 2014

How To Know God Will Provide For You

Jesus give you a guarantee of God's provision if you meet this condition:

Seek as your first priority God's rule on earth, God's will in your life.

The Lord promised that God would add to this the food and clothing that your Father already knows you need.  You need not run around in anxiety like those who don't believe, like those who live as if food and clothing are very points of life.  Jesus made it clear they are not.  Life is more than food and clothing, and he feeds the birds who don't work, as well as clothing the lilies that are here today and burned tomorrow.  You're worth more than both. 

And God will not only feed you, but feed you well and daily, like He does the birds.  Our Father won't just clothe us, but He'll clothe us with splendor that surpasses the glory of King Solomon...if we meet this condition: 

Seek as our first priority God's kingdom and will.

If you know you want nothing more, less, or other than God's will, then you can know with absolute certainty that your needs are as met as the birds you see eating every day, and the flowers you see in their beauty.

Please pray with me if you agree:

God, I want one thing: Your will.  Because of this, I know you have provided all of my needs, already knowing them before I ask.  Thank you for this assurance.  Amen.

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