Tuesday, December 31, 2013


What is God's tone of voice?  What does God's voice sound like?

  • Once you know His tone of voice, You know His voice once and for all.
  • Just like the voices of your father, or mother, or lover, or best friend.

A boy named Samuel heard God calling him and thought it was his mentor Eli.

Twice God called Samuel.
Twice Eli told Samuel it wasn't Eli.

Then Eli perceived that Samuel was hearing God.

So Eli told Samuel what to say:  "Speak LORD, your servant is listening."
God spoke to Samuel a third time, and from that point on Samuel knew God's voice.

  • What if by the end of these blogs you could know God's tone of voice?
  • What difference would it make in 2014 if you knew the voice of God?

You can.
It is written,

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. 
Hebrews 4:12

God's tone of voice has three characteristics:
1. It's alive.
2. It's active.
3. It's penetrating.
This is how God's voice sounds.
When you hear God speaking to you, it will be energizing and activating.  You will feel more alive and active than you've ever felt, because Life Himself will be speaking to you.  If you feel dead or passive when hearing any spirit, it is not The Spirit of God.  This is crucial.  In séances and other demonic supposedly spiritual experiences, the condition is passivity, like in hypnotism.  Mind altering drugs and situations seek to put you in a comatose state in the name of entering the spiritual. This is the devil.  God's voice will not render your mind or will passive.  His voice will energize and activate your mind and conscious free choice. 
God's voice is also supremely penetrating. 
Find out how.
Read part 2.

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