Wednesday, March 19, 2014

How God Sees MEN and WOMEN (Part 2)

Detest is a strong word.  But it expresses how God genuinely feels when he sees a man dressing like a woman or a woman dressing like a man, whatever that means in whatever cultural context it is applied. Why does God feel such strong displeasure towards this?

Imagine something you immediately detest when you see it, like feces. 

Now imagine a picture or photo of one of the best events in your life, like when you graduated from high school, or college, or grad school.  Or any picture that captures you or a moment in your life that you deeply cherish.  It could be a wedding picture, or a picture of one of your children when he or she was born. It could be a picture of you and your parents, your siblings, your best friend.  Whatever the picture, it  captures your heart and soul.  It's beauty is not just the skill of photography, but it's one of those pictures that actually captures the moment, that really reflects the day or feeling.

Now imagine you come home, or wherever this picture is, and find it displayed in a way that you know the one who did it meant for you to see it...and it has feces smeared all over it.

How would you feel?

"Is it really that bad Olatunde?  Is cross dressing as disgusting as that?"

The word of God says the LORD "detests" when men dress like women and women dress like men.  The Hebrew word for "detest" is "toebah," which means an abomination, and object of loathing. 

Abomination is a strong word.
Loathing is a strong word.

So yes, it is as bad as I'm making it, or perhaps worse in God's eyes.

What should you do then?
Three things:

1.  Choose to see the distinction of masculine and feminine as God sees them.
2.  Choose to feel what God feels about these distinctions.
3.  Choose to act on this by expressing that distinction in your own life. 

If you are man embrace something that distinguishes your masculinity, like your facial hair.  Let it grow from this point on.  Whatever style or length, let it grow. 

If you are a woman express what you know is distinctly feminine about you in how you wear your hair or clothes. 

Again, God assumed in Deuteronomy 22:5 that we all know what this means.  These are not hard and fast rules or laws, but what we know intuitively, like the girl who dressed like a boy that I talked about earlier.

Right now, choose to express your distinction as a man or woman to honor God's image and likeness in you.  You already know how to do this. 

Share with me in the comments how you chose to honor God by expressing your God given gender distinction.

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