We will be what we are right now when we die, and we will be judged for what we are the moment before we die. The story of Lazarus and the rich man perfectly illustrates this.
Lazarus was a poor beggar the moment before he died. The rich man was rich and without a care the moment before he died. Lazarus just wanted some crumbs from this rich man's table. Now they are dead, and the rich man is aware of Lazarus' state in heaven, and of his own state in hell. The rich man is aware of how things were on earth for him and Lazarus moments before they both died, because Abraham himself reminds the rich man with these words:
"Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony." Luke 16:25
The rich man is aware of his brothers on earth who are in danger of the same hell fire. He's the same man he was on earth, with the same consciousness and memories. So it will be for you and me.
Imagine who you are, right now, as you read my words to you. Are you the kind of person that would be welcome in heaven, or that would even welcome heaven? This is a most serious question. In heaven there is one focus, and one focus alone: Worshiping God! Everything in heaven, and everyone in heaven, has this one focus. It's all they want and need and desire. The book of Revelation is full of glimpses of life in heaven, where angels and men and women and creation spend their entire time worshiping God. Is that your deepest desire?
Put it this way. Do you ever think some Christians are "too heavenly minded to be any earthly good?" Even though the scriptures clearly say, "Set your mind on things above, not on things on earth?"
Do you think some Christians talk about God "too much?" All they seem to think about is God, God, God! They don't seem very "practical."
Imagine what you consider to be your "personality." What you say is "just the way you are." Now if you say this thinking God's grace covers your unChristlike personality, you must now see from Christ Himself that He has expectations of us. He will judge us for what we do in our bodies, publically and privately. He will allow our names to remain in the book of life, or blot them out of the book of life, all based on who we are and what we do in the body, while on earth, moments before we die.
What are we to be and do then?
We are to be faithful to Christ until the very end. The same faith that saved us keeps us saved and safe. Those who inhabit and enjoy heaven are those whose total trust is in the Lord Jesus. And those who totally trust Him totally and easily obey Him.
By faith, we can know what really happens when you go to heaven: You will be what you are right now.
So what are you, right now?
Is that what you want to be when you face God? If you were what you are right now a moment before you died, would you even WANT to be in heaven, where the focus will not be on you?
These are most serious questions, questions that should be answered before it's too late.
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