Saturday, March 1, 2014

What Happens When People Encounter You

Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you received from God? 
The Apostle Paul

If you trust and obey Jesus as the only way to be a child of God, then the Holy Spirit is in you.
The Holy Spirit is God.
God is in you.
Therefore, whenever anyone encounters you, they encounter God in you.

How does this feel?
Have you ever felt God in someone?

I have.  So did my wife.

We were at a Bible Study and there was a man there who taught us the lesson for the night.  It was our first time at this study.  We were invited by a friend of ours.  The lesson was good, but that's not what I or my wife remember.

We were both struck by an invisible influence coming from the bible teacher.  It felt like a calm, humble presence, but it wasn't the bible teacher.  It was "with" or "on" or "surrounding" the bible teacher.  The Presence didn't make us think anything about the teacher, but drew us to him and what he was like, as well as what he was saying.  My wife and I didn't fully realize the effect The Presence around the teacher had on us until after the meeting.  But we both could describe the same experience.

Someone was with the bible teacher. The Person was invisible to human eyes, inaudible to human ears, and intangible to human touch.  The Presence had no color, scent, or sound.  But I felt it, and so did my wife. 

We both knew we were feeling God's Spirit coming from this man.

How did we know?

Because my wife and I have the Spirit of God in us just like the bible teacher did.

When you meet someone and become well acquainted with him or her, from that point on you know how that person is.  You know his tone of voice on the phone.  You know her hand gestures and mannerisms.

This is how it is with God, if you are intimate with Him.  There is only One God.  No one feels like Him.  No one can.  Once you know Him, you will know what He feels like in others who trust in Jesus.  And people will know what He feels like in you if you trust in the Lord.

If you believe in Jesus, the Holy Spirit is in you.
The Holy Spirit is God.
Therefore, God is in you.
Anyone who encounters you encounters God in you.

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