Thursday, March 13, 2014

The ONLY Thing Necessary for YOU TODAY

Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated, common men, they were astonished. And they recognized that they had been with Jesus. Acts 4:13

The only thing necessary for you today is to be recognized as one who has been with Jesus.  Not what you know or don't know.  Not your status in life.  No matter where you are life, you will have power and boldness as His witness.  Only start and continue your day with Him, letting His Spirit be recognized in your life.  You do this in two ways, in the same two ways that Peter and John did them:

Do everything in Jesus name, and do everything by His Spirit.

We say grace and pray, and at the end we say, "In Jesus' name."  But we don't realize what we are saying or why we are saying it.  The apostles were strictly forbidden to teach or preach in Jesus' name.  Evidently their enemies knew the significance of using Jesus' name, so much so that the first interaction with the apostles after a great healing was this:

"They had Peter and John brought before them and began to question them: 'By what power or what name did you do this?'" Acts 4:7

By what power they asked?  By what name?

The name of Jesus on your lips, in your prayers, and in your life, means that you say and do everything under His authority and for His glory.  To obey and display Him.  When this is the case, people will  recognize that you have been with Jesus.  They will recognize His Spirit in you and with you.

It is written,

For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God.  Romans 8:14

This is your birthright, your identity, your normality.  If you believe in Jesus, you should do NOTHING unless the Spirit is leading you to do it.  NOTHING.  Jesus told the 120 followers to stay in Jerusalem until they had been "endued with power from on high."  His apostles had been with Him for 3 years, even performing miracles.  They saw Him risen and ascending into heaven, and all they really were supposed to do is go and tell people what they had seen and heard. Yet even they were forbidden to start their mission without the Spirit.

So are you.

Here you are.  You're awake.  You pray to the Father, in the name of Jesus, by the Holy Spirit.  You read the scriptures, or words based on scripture, as your  spiritual food for today.  The Spirit impresses on you the need to focus your mind on why Jesus came to earth:  to seek and save the lost.  He shows you that your number 1 priority for today is to be a witness of the Lord Jesus by imitating Jesus in all you do.  You ask God to fill you with His Spirit so that you may imitate Jesus.  You thank God for the power of His Spirit, because you know you've asked that which is God's will, and that God will grant prayers that agree with His will.

So you go. You imitate Christ to the best of your knowledge, at home, and when you leave, doing the one thing in your own mind that you know without doubt is an imitation of Christ.  You feel the power of the Spirit giving you further insights into how Christ would speak or act in your exact situation. And people recognize that you have been with Jesus, because they know it is not your education level or status in life that gives you such boldness as a witness of the Lord Jesus.  They see the same power and boldness in us that they saw in Peter and John.

  • We have no power as witnesses of Jesus without the Holy Spirit leading us. 
  • You and I have the same Spirit that Peter and John had, bearing witness to the same Jesus.

Enter your day in the name of Jesus, under His authority and for His glory.
Enter your day by following His Spirit, doing only what He leads you to do.
The only thing necessary for you today is to be recognized as one who has been with Jesus.


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