Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Source of Everything You Do (And How to Impact It!) Part 3

If you will be like the teacher that I wrote about in Part 2 and guard your will against boundary breaches like the student who came to his house uninvited, you will discover the source of all your God given power, and you will change your life starting now. 

Jesus Himself said these words,
"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me."  Revelation 3:20

Jesus, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, to whom God the Father gave all authority in heaven and on earth, doesn't just barge into our houses, though He could.

Or He could just use His key, like house keeping does in some apartments when they do maintenance.  They just come right on in. But not God.  Even God respects the freedom of your heart enough to knock and wait for you to invite Him in.  If God does this, so should every one else in your life, and so should you in everyone else's life.

By respecting the boundaries of God's supreme will, and by respecting the boundaries of your will and the will of people, you will find the source of everything you do, of every relationship.  The only will you absolutely always resist is Satan's will.  And the only will you absolutely always submit to is God's.  Knowing these two things alone, who to always submit to and always resist, gives you enough power to relate to any and every one, any and every situation, making you a powerful person.
  • The source of everything you do is your heart! 
  • You impact it by guarding it!
Above all else, GUARD YOUR HEART!


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