Tuesday, January 14, 2014

What you should EXPECT after THE SPIRIT FILLS YOU (Part 1)

"After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly." Acts 4:31  Emphasis mine

After the Spirit fills you,
expect boldness as a witness of the Lord Jesus,
however this manifests. 

Boldness feels like the confidence of being convincing when you tell others something you perfectly know from personal experience.  It is convincing compelling conviction; you can't help but to tell what you know.


Jesus called the Holy Spirit "the Spirit of truth," who "guides you into all truth."  A witness MUST bear witness to the truth he has PERSONALLY experienced.  The Spirit convinces her that Jesus Christ is really alive IN HER.  Being divinely convinced, she is divinely convincing.


You will get and keep attention when the Spirit fills you; you won't be obnoxious, but you won't be ignored.  Peter and the early church caught and kept the attention of 3000 people when the Spirit filled them.  You may not have an audience of 3000, but however many you have, when the Spirit fills you, it will be noticed!


When Peter spoke by the Spirit's filling, 3000 were "cut to the heart."  After Spirit filled Stephen spoke, those who heard him were:
  • furious
  • gnashed their teeth
  • covered their ears
  • yelled at the top of their voices
  • and rushed at him to stone him!
When you're Spirit filled, it may not be THAT dramatic!  (Or it very well may be, so be prepared for whatever the Spirit wants.)  But you can be sure that you will have conviction and be convicting.

Some Christians say you will, or MUST, speak in tongues, or prophecy!  Some may you must fall as dead and be "slain in the Spirit."  Maybe some think you will have supernatural strength, like Samson!  Or have powerful warrior passion like Gideon!

These things are possible. I'll even say some things are probable (in the next blog!)

But what is CERTAIN is this:

After the Spirit fills you,
expect boldness as a witness of the Lord Jesus,
however this manifests.  
(Read Part 2 to find out the most probable manifestation!)
(Click here!)

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