Saturday, February 8, 2014

Respecting God's Boundaries

"Put limits for the people around the mountain and tell them, ‘Be careful that you do not approach the mountain or touch the foot of it. Whoever touches the mountain is to be put to death.'" Exodus 19:12

You can't just approach God any way at any time.  God has very clear boundaries and expectations for those who come to Him.  To dishonor these boundaries is death.  The reason for this is that every relationship must begin with an understanding of who you are, and who you are not.  What you are, and what you are not.  What you will and will not tolerate.  The Most High God is the Supreme Ultimate Person and the Source of All Personality.  To accept His boundaries is to accept reality.  God made this clear to Moses and the Israelites before He gave them the 10 commandments, 10 boundaries between Him and them.

Before God gave Israel the law, He commanded them to consecrate and purify themselves.  This is the first boundary:  Purity.  God will only accept purity because He Himself is perfectly pure, and He will not compromise who He is. 

The second boundary was a limit, a line in the sand if you will.  They could not approach the mountain of God and had to stay their distance.  The penalty of violating this boundary was death.  Why so harsh?  Because again, God is without sin, and if a sinner approaches the Holy God, the light of God will destroy the darkness by simply being itself. 

These boundaries are still in place today with you and me because God is still God and God is still holy.  Here is the supreme ultimate boundary between God, you , and me:

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."  John 14:6

Jesus is the boundary between us and God.  If we accept Jesus as the one who died for all of our boundary violations, then by Jesus' death and blood we have free access to God Himself, to His very throne.  But if we reject Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we reject God, and we dare not think of approaching the Sinless One, the God who is Light, in whom there is no darkness at all.

If you've already accepted Jesus as Savior and Lord, then you may approach Him as a child approaches a loving father.

If you've rejected Jesus Christ, you can stop rejecting Him and accept Him right now.

Know that if you refuse Jesus, you dare not approach God. 
Respecting God's boundaries means accepting the boundary of faith in Jesus Christ.

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