Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Difference Between Will Power and Self-Control (Conclusion)

The fruit of the Spirit is self-control, which can't mean anything else except to control yourself!  This is why Peter could command it, and you can't expect the Spirit to do it.  What makes it a fruit of the Spirit is that those who follow the Spirit are freely choosing to do so, and refusing the follow the flesh.  The act of choosing the Spirit and refusing the flesh is the fruit of self control.  But those who choose the flesh become slaves of their desires and surroundings, yielding to whatever makes them feel good at the moment.  If Benson feels sexual desires for Mandy, and he resists his desires for Mandy by saying no to her, but without saying yes to the Spirit or to Anne, then Benson puts his will in a state of powerless paralysis.  Refusing without choosing.  Willing for willing sake. When would it end?

The difference between will power and self control is that will power is focused on your own will alone, independent of a relationship, resisting or acting indefinitely with seemingly endless energy--a state that is a lie.  Self-control as a fruit of the Spirit is your free will ability to choose the desires of the Spirit and refuse yours and anyone else's self-centered desires.

The keywords here are choosing AND refusing. 
Not just willing yourself to act.
Not just willing yourself to resist acting.

  • Free will, or self-control, means the ability to choose one thing AND refuse another. 
  • Mere will power is just that:  limited power to will, or choose, or refuse. 
  • Self-control assumes will power, but will power does not assume self-control.
A strong willed woman named Jenny is an alcoholic.  She refuses to stop drinking out of mere stubbornness.  She won't get help.  She resents and rejects all help.  Her will is powerful.  But she can not resist the urge to drink until she passes out.  Alcohol has complete control over Jenny.

A strong willed man named Jessie is a workaholic.  He refuses to rest or take vacations, though his health is suffering from the stress of constant work.  He can't stop himself from projects and projections.  His career controls who he is.  He doesn't see that he can choose or refuse to work.  He HAS to work.  It's who he is!

Jenny and Jessie both have will power, but neither have self-control. 
Benson, Jenny, and Jessie all had a choice.

So do you.
What do you choose?
What do you refuse?

Do you choose the will of God and refuse your own self-centered will?
That choice is before you right now.
You may choose, or refuse.

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